Category: Drum Maps

Drum Programming: Tips and Tricks


When programming drum beats in Reapers midi editor there are several ways to help our workflow. Shortcuts, Screen Setup, Drum Maps etc. Below I’m going to show you how I have my Drum Editor setup and what I do to make creating beats easier and much more fun. Some of this can take time to […]

Reaper and Drum Programming Resources


Reaper and Drum Programming Resources As a project I am going to be getting my own resources and adding them here alongside links to software, articles, tutorials and available courses regarding programming drums in Reaper. This will include Drum Maps, Samples electronic and acoustic, Ideas and Tricks and tips. If you have any resources, videos, […]

Studio Drummer Drum Maps for Reaper

Reaper Drum Maps for Kontakt’s Abbey Road Studio Drummer Garage Drum Kit Session Drum Kit Stadium Drum Kit Install Drum Map for Reaper – Save files to your keymaps folder. Options->Show REAPER resource path in explorer/finder Find ‘MIDINoteNames’ folder Save or Copy file to this folder. To load keymap: In Piano Roll: File->Note/CC Names->Load note/CC […]

Modern Drummer Drum Maps for Reaper

Reaper Drum Maps for Kontakt’s Abbey Road Modern Drummer Sparkle Drum Kit White Drum Kit Install Drum Map for Reaper – Save files to your keymaps folder. Options->Show REAPER resource path in explorer/finder Find ‘MIDINoteNames’ folder Save or Copy file to this folder. To load keymap: In Piano Roll: File->Note/CC Names->Load note/CC names from file […]