Sweetboys Volcano Limiter/Maximizer – Free VST Plugin
Volcano combines a peak limiter and a level maximizer.
It’s a pretty simple to use plugin having only 4 parameters:
Threshold: Controls the level of limiting. If clipping noise occurs reduce to a smaller setting.
MaxOut: Controls the maximum level of output signal.
It’s recommended that you leave the MaxOut setting at 0.0 dB
Release: Controls the release time of the limiter.This setting can control the amout of smoothness to the effect. If clipping occurs it’s recommended that you use a higher setting.
ARC: Automatically ARC calculates the release time. If you want use this effect for loudness it’s recommended that you turn this feature off.
What’s a nice addition to this effect is the Knob control. Getting the mouse to get smaller(fine) adjustments is usually a tricky affair. With this VST plugin though if you hold the ‘Ctrl’ key and the left click to adjust you get smaller increments allowing a fine adjustment to the setting values.
VU Meter: Range:0dB < -> -30dB