Before you carry on with this article please read, Understanding Barre Chords(part 1)
Following on from my previous article on Barre chords I’d like to show you how we can now bring in our second 2 chord shapes.
Major Barre Chord
Minor Chord Shape
Understanding that the previous articles barre chords were tied to the ‘Bottom E’ string, I’d like to show that the above chords are tied to the ‘A’ string.
The ‘A’ string has been highlighted in red on the guitar.
Learning the notes as in the previous article is integral to understanding properly how these barre chords work.
If we played the following chord shape on the 2nd fret we would be playing a B Major chord
If we played the Minor shape we would be playing the ‘B Minor’ chord
Minor Chord Shape,
If you wished to play a ‘C#minor‘
You would play the following minor chord shape at the 4th fret,
To get the ‘C#’ we need to find the note on the ‘A’ string,
Remember to ‘sharpen’ a note you raise(move) the note 1 fret,
So ‘C #’ is on the 4th fret!
Hopefully the previous article should have gotten this idea across.
If you have understood both articles so far you may be scratching your head about something.
The following should help.