Category: Using Reaper

Snap to Grid Settings and Snap Bypass – Reaper Tutorial


Reaper’s Snap to Grid options Getting used Snap/grid settings is really useful for editing tracks in Reaper’s track timeline. This could mean when we want to split a take to only copy a small section we can by splitting the tracks in precise areas. Split a track or take Reaper: Menu-Options To Access Snap to […]

Reaper: Markers and Regions


Markers and Regions: Add a Marker Edit Marker Add a Region Edit Region In Reaper we can navigate between different sections of our songs using Markers and Regions. They also make it easier for us visually. Markers are best for Keyboard shortcut navigation. Regions are excellent for copying entire sections of a song or rendering […]

Resource Folder in Reaper


Where is the resource folder located? Sometimes in order in install plugins or add drum maps and other extensions we to access the resource folder in Reaper. On your menu bar look for the Options dropdown. From there look towards the bottom of the drop down and you will find Show REAPER resource path… REAPER […]

Loop and Repeat settings in Reaper


Loop/Repeat Function in Reaper Tutorial to show the different options in the Loop and Repeat settings in Reaper. In order to loop a section of audio in Reaper we need to select the area we want to repeat. To do this we can use the mouse to find a start area and right click drag […]

Reaper Convolution CAB/Amp Modeler JS Plugins and Custom Impulse Responses

Reaper’s own built in guitar fx and modelling? Yes, in the JS plugins folder there is a plugin in Reaper called Convolution CAB/Amp Modeler. As it is it comes with several amp models already installed but there is no way to load other impulse responses. Or are there? Well yes there is. In the Reaper […]