Presets for the Behringer V Amp Pro * = midi controller preset number, numbers under Bank column indicate number value on V Amp – Letter in Bank Row equals Bank therefore Bank number 9 plus Bank Letter C = Doubled Solo. Midi Controller number for Doubled Solo = 43 and so on.
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BANK | B |
BANK | B |
1 | SRV |
2 | Ain’t Talkin b. |
3 | Little Head |
4 | Straight Crunch |
5 | Big Venue |
6 | Eddie’s Tapping |
7 | Blue Lead |
8 | Full Blown Solo |
9 | MAKE MY D(el)AY |
10 | Canyon Rock |
11 | Rhythm Force |
12 | Solo Force 3 |
13 | Uni Rhythm |
14 | Strat Solo |
15 | Blues Lead |
16 | Recti-Rhythm 2 |
17 | 2H Tap Clean |
18 | Breakin Blues |
19 | 2x12 Crunch |
20 | Whale Watching |
21 | Driving Duck |
22 | Virus Fat |
23 | Centrifugal Power |
24 | BD Fat 1 |
25 | Soft Shaker Perc. |