Tag: tab

Guitar Primer: Plectrum, Fingers and TAB (pt3)

previous article(pt2) Hopefully you’ve read the previous free guitar lessons giving you a few ideas and tips on correctly holding your plectrum. This the 3rd article in this primer will talk about fingers in relation to TAB or tablature. —Dealing with TAB— Reading guitar tabulature: Lines = Strings The ‘Bottom E’ is the thickest string […]

Guitar Primer: Plectrum, Fingers and TAB (pt2)

previous article: Guitar Primer: Plectrum, Fingers and TAB (pt1) CLICK Once you’ve got to grips(ahem) with holding your plectrum you need to get your hand position correct when striking strings. Getting a comfortable position to stike the strings of your guitar is very important. If you look at the above picture you can see that […]

Guitar Primer: Plectrum, Fingers and TAB

In the first part of this  primer I’m going to introduce how to hold your plectrum. This article is part of the free online guitar lesson material that is hosted on untidymusic.com Choosing your plectrum. The above picture is of the typical plectrum shape, of course there are others, A lot of of plectrums though […]

Scales: C Major

Scales of C Major for guitar and in staff view. Also how to play on keyboard/piano. Staff View: Using Treble cleff C Major Scale: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C ————————————————————————————————————————————————- Guitar: Click on image to see larger version on scale. Again C Major Scale: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C […]

Working with Intervals (part 2) Major 2nd

Continued form part 1… In the previous article I stated that in order to understand intervals and their importance we need to listen to them. In order to create a better feeling for the sound we also need to correlate that with playing. Below are pictures and tab describing how to play the major 2nd […]