Tag: reaper

Session Drummer Midi Note File – Drum Map for Reaper

Drum Map Download Save file to somewhere safe that you can remember! If you’re using reaper to program drums using piano roll you can rename the notes to make it easier to find the kick, snare etc. This file is based on the mappings of Cakewalks Session Drummer 2 – it’s a cheap alternative to […]

How to program drums in Reaper using Piano Roll

Video tutorial using Reaper and piano roll to create a drum track using midi. New video created to show how to program drums in Reaper using Piano roll. VST Drums are Session Drummer 2 available to buy from the Cakewalk store for £8.99 http://www.store.cakewalk.com/b2cus/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=10-CPHH1.00-20E You can download the named notes file used in the video […]

Reaper using Tempo to stretch a loop

Video on how to import audio loop into Reaper and use tempo to stretch and shrink drum loop. Loop used is available to download for free here www.free4allbackingtracks.com Straight 4/4 Closed Hi Hats 8ths 100bpm – Pattern 1 To download Reaper – Click Importing a loop into Reaper is a pretty simple thing to do. […]

Free Cakewalk VST Plugins

Been a while since I last posted but I’ve been reading a lot lately. Whilst I was reading my computer music magazine I came across this cool bit of news. Cakewalk are now offering their classic synth and effects vst plugins for download. First up: Cakewalk SFZ+ Professional “rgc:audio’s revolutionary SoundFont player sample-playback engine, packed […]

Working with Intervals (part 2) Major 2nd

Continued form part 1… In the previous article I stated that in order to understand intervals and their importance we need to listen to them. In order to create a better feeling for the sound we also need to correlate that with playing. Below are pictures and tab describing how to play the major 2nd […]