Simple Metronome created using Flash MX that works in increments of 10 starting from 60 BPM up to 210 BPM.
Category: Recording
D Minor Arpeggio
As I’ve previously stated Arpeggios are excellent exercises for both fingers and mind. When playing them on guitar they break up the tendency to play scalic patterns. Also there are techniques involved that can push your playing further. You can either do alternative picking or sweep picking: V = Down Stroke X = Up Stroke […]
Major Scale Patterns part 2
Following on from my previous article Major Scale Patterns Part 1 I’m going to show you three other Major scale patterns. It is recommended that you read that article first. The first of these patterns is an alternative to the previous articles ‘E’ string based pattern. The suggested fingers for this pattern are: 1st, 2nd […]
Major Scale Patterns part 1
Learning scales without Tabulature can be a quicker way to get to grips with the guitar. It will involve patterns and of course learning the notes on the strings. These patterns are useful because they are movable in the same way that a barre chord is movable. If you’ve already looked at TABS of scales […]
Notes on the ‘A’ string
This article deals with the notes on the guitar and not why you should learn them. Why learn notes on the guitar? Notes on the ‘A’ string: Sharp notes on the ‘A’ string. Flats on the ‘A’ string. Understanding that: A# = Bb C# = Db D# = Eb F# = Gb G# = Ab […]