Category: Guitar

Major Scale Patterns part 2

Following on from my previous article Major Scale Patterns Part 1 I’m going to show you three other Major scale patterns. It is recommended that you read that article first. The first of these patterns is an alternative to the previous articles ‘E’ string based pattern. The suggested fingers for this pattern are: 1st, 2nd […]

Major Scale Patterns part 1

Learning scales without Tabulature can be a quicker way to get to grips with the guitar. It will involve patterns and of course learning the notes on the strings. These patterns are useful because they are movable in the same way that a barre chord is movable. If you’ve already looked at TABS of scales […]

Notes on the ‘A’ string

This article deals with the notes on the guitar and not why you should learn them.  Why learn notes on the guitar? Notes on the ‘A’ string: Sharp notes on the ‘A’ string. Flats on the ‘A’ string. Understanding that: A# = Bb C# = Db D# = Eb F# = Gb G# = Ab […]

Notes on the bottom E string – Neck Knowledge

This lesson is focussed on the bottom E string.  In this article we are looking at how important it is to understand the relationship between the E string and Barre chords or Scales can be. The letter or the note as it should be referred to is usually called the root/tonic – in Chords or Scales […]

Notes on the guitar – Getting the Knowledge, Why?

Learning the notes on your guitar is a very important thing to do. When you play barre chords, power chords or scale patterns knowing your notes will help you find your start position or root(tonic). A good knowledge of the guitar also helps working out harmony and how to put chords together. In fact a […]