Tag: vst

Setting Up A Drum VSTi Reaper

For this tutorial you’ll need to download – wollo beat a free VSTi drum machine… You’ll need to install the VSTi in your VST folder. Here is a tutorial-how to install VST

Audio Processing – Hog That CPU – Network

If you read my previous article – Audio Processing – Hog That CPU – UAD then you’ll get a kick out of this. ===o=–>>> Using another PC as an FX processor. Using a network connection it’s possible to use a 2nd PC or laptop for VSTeffects or VSTinstruments. Clearing up CPU usage – well almost […]

Cheeze Machine – Free String ensemble VST synth

This vst plugin emulates the classic string ensemble sound, made popular by such classic synths as the Crumar Performer or the Arp Solina. Cheeze Machine generates sound by feeding a simple, saw-like waveform, into a chorus ensemble emulator, a 6-stages phaser, and a reverb. This vst plugin is fully midi-controlled. The midi controller assignments are […]