Learning the notes on the guitar – Key of G

Learning the notes on the guitar – Key of G

The notes above give us all the notes from the ‘Key of G’.

As in a previous lesson to help learn the notes better we are going to use somthing called modes.

What modes are and what they mean is not important for this lesson, we’re just going to use their concept to create exercises that will help us learn the notes.


G A B C D E F# G = Ionian (Major)

A B C D E F# G A = Dorian

B C D E F# G A B = Phygian

C D E F# G A B C = Lydian

D E F# G A B C D = Mixolydian

E F# G A B C D E = Aeolian (Natural Minor)

F# G A B C D E F# = Locrian


Exercise 1:

Try and find all the G Major Scales, this would playing all the notes G A B C D E F G.

Exercise 2:

Now find all the different ways to play the E minor scale.

Exercise 3:

Try playing the E minor scale and remove the notes F# & C this will create the pentatonic minor scale.

You could also try this with the G Major or any of the Modes.

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